Around the globe, people spend more than seven hours online every day. This may be a good thing, but it is a major security risk. Individuals and businesses should be aware of this and take steps to deal with it. The best data protection is keeping sensitive information safe from cyber-attacks, and also protecting the integrity of that information.

Backup and disaster recovery (DR) This protects the data from ransomware attack, and other malicious activities, can lead to loss of business and legal penalties, and also damage to the brand. This also includes data masking and substitution that replaces valuable data with tokens of lower value to limit the risk of a breach or theft of actual data. The best data protection includes a strong focus on continuous testing to ensure that systems function well and that security measures are in place.

A sound data protection strategy is based on the foundation of a solid and durable backup and DR system, capable of detecting and recover from a wide range of cyber threats. It should also include strong access control policies to ensure that only the right individuals can access the data they require when they need it and that employees cannot transfer sensitive information outside the company.

Another important aspect of effective data protection is to ensure that data is visible to the way it is used within an organization, as well as the method and location it is being transferred between different locations. This allows companies to swiftly identify risks and take the appropriate actions. For instance setting up user-specific controls to control access and monitoring protocols that notify them when suspicious or unusual activity is detected.

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